ةيبرتلا ةرازو ةيميلعتلا يلوح ةقطنم ةيزيلجنلاا ةغلل ينفلا هيجوتلا

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1 األسئلة في 7 صفحات دولة الكويت وزارة التربية منطقة حولي التعليمية التوجيه الفني للغة االنجليزية امتحان الصف السابع- نهاية الفترة الدراسية األولى 2019 / 2018 المجال الدراسي: اللغة اإلنجليزية الزمن: ساعتان مكونات االمتحان: )المفردات االستيعاب المقروء القواعد - التعبير الكتابي- التهجئة( ================================================================ (Total 60 Marks) I-Reading (30 Marks) A- Vocabulary ( 14 Marks) A) From a, b, c and d, choose the most suitable word that best completes each of the following sentences: ( 4 X2= 8Marks) 1. I am glad to hear that your grandma is well after the. a- operation b- referee c- canteen d- soil 2. Athletes compete in sports activities in the Olympic Games. a- delicious b- tasteless c- numerous d- iconic 3. My mother usually our clothes neatly in the wardrobe. a- reflects b- greases c- folds d- excels 4. The buildings and streets are decorated in Kuwait in February. a- magnificently b- quite c- gently d- happily 14 B) Fill in the spaces with the most suitable words from the list below:(4x1½=6marks) (wheelchairs / seal / facilities / attracts / occasion ) 5. Dubai is a nice city and it many visitors and tourists. 6. Some schools provide many for students activities. 7. The Eid is a/an for families to celebrate together. 8. You should the jars well to prevent bacteria from spoiling the food. 1

2 الصفحة الثانية ================================================================== B- Reading Comprehension (16 Marks) Read the following passage carefully, then answer the questions below: Everything that is alive needs energy. All animals get the energy they need from food. Think about the human body as an amazing machine. It can do all kinds of activities for us. Food is the fuel that helps keep the amazing machine running. Plants use sunlight to make their own food. Animals are not able to do that. Some animals eat plants, while others eat other animals as meat. Some animals and people eat both plants and animals. Since plants make their own food using sunlight, the sun s energy is found in plants. The sun s energy is very strong. It loses a lot of its strength by the time it goes into a plant. When we eat plants, we get more of the sun s energy than when we eat animals. That s why it is good to eat fruits and vegetables. When an animal eats a plant, the energy is less strong. The animal also uses its energy to find the plant to eat. Like a car that has to be filled with gasoline, living things have to eat again and again. Instead of gasoline, living things use food as fuel. A) From a, b, c and d, choose the correct answer: ( 6X2=12 Marks) 9. What is the best title for this text? a- Cars and Gasoline b- Animals and Sun c- Energy and Food d- Plants and Sunlight 10. What is the meaning of the underlined word running in the 1 st paragraph? a- working b- sleeping c- catching d- filling 16 2

3 الصفحة الثالثة اللغة االنجليزية- الصف السابع نهاية الفترة الدراسية األولى =============================================================== 11. The underlined pronoun it in the 3 rd paragraph refers to: a- food b- sun c- sunlight d- energy 12. Which of the following sentences is TRUE? a- Animals use sunlight to make their own food. b- Plants use sunlight to make their own food. c- Human bodies use sunlight to make their food. d- Cars use sunlight to make their own food. 13. Humans get more of the sun s energy: a- when they eat plants. b- when they sleep more. c- when they eat animals. d- when they exercise more. 14. What is the writer s purpose of writing this text? a- to tell how machines work. b- to compare between plants and animals. c- to explain that the sun s energy is very strong. d- to show that all living things and machines need energy. B) Answer the following questions: (2 x 2=4 Marks) 15. When does the sun s energy lose its strength? 16. How is the human body like a car? 3

4 الصفحة الرابعة =============================================================== II-Writing ( 30 Marks) A- Grammar ( 11 Marks) A. Choose the correct answer in the following sentences:( 4 X 2= 8 Marks) 17. When I was in Failaka, I found (some - any - an) coins. I gave them to a policeman, who said, They are old coins, ( don t they - weren t they - aren t they)?. I said that (this- that - these) coins look very old. I told him that if I found more coins, I (will bring - would bring - brought) them to him. B. Do as shown between brackets: (2X1½ =3 Marks) 18. My English teacher comes to school at 7 o clock. ( Make a question) 19. Hisham is reading a book now. ( Make negative) 11 4

5 الصفحة الخامسة =============================================================== B- Writing ( 15 Marks) Write on the following topic: Some people prefer to go shopping at certain shopping malls. Plan and write a report of two paragraphs of not less than (10 sentences) about shopping malls in Kuwait and why you like shopping. These guide words may help you: ( restaurants enjoy - designs favourite buy shops clothes spend) The plan (1 mark) 15 5

6 الصفحة السادسة ============================================================= The topic (14 Marks) Planning Exposition of Ideas & Coherence Paragraphing & Number Of Sentences Grammar Spelling Handwriting Punctuation Total

7 الصفحة السابعة ============================================================= C- Spelling ( 4 Marks ) Rewrite the underlined words correctly: (4 x1 =4 Marks) I received an epnelvoe from the post office. 21. Our school lab has modern euqimpnet. 22. Each student should scitk his name on his books. 23. The football match was lilevy and interesting yesterday. انتهت األسئلة مع تمنياتنا لكم بالنجاح 7

)المفردات االستيعاب المقروء - القواعد - التعبير- التهجئة( ( الدرجة الكلية : 60 درجة ) A) Vocabulary (16 Marks)

)المفردات االستيعاب المقروء - القواعد - التعبير- التهجئة( ( الدرجة الكلية : 60 درجة ) A) Vocabulary (16 Marks) العام الدراسي: 2018-2017 وزارة التربية امتحان نهاية الفصل الدراسي االول اإلدارة العامة لمنطقة مبارك الكبير التعليمية الصف: السابع التوجيه الفني للغة اإلنجليزية ) صفحات األسئلة في ( 7 الزمن : ساعتان ===================================================================

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